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Current rules for reading Tama – From English

These may change later. Please note that there are MORE rules for writing Tama. This should just help you read easily. It will not help with writing since so many writing rules are still being worked on.

These letters make the same sound as in English

b d f g h j k l m n s t w y z


These letters sounds like the example word below


a – ma Tama example wal - house

eegg Tama example te - cow

i – meet Tama example ita - here

o – go Tama Example lotit - bed

u – boot Tama example duut - big


Other sounds

ch – In english this sound is written as ‘sh’

Tama example

Bichi - knife

- This sounds like ‘ny’ together

Tama example

esi ali – he knows

ŋ – In English, this is written ‘ng’

Tama example

waraŋa – he went out

r – this sound does not exist in English or French. It is close to the letter ra in Arabic.

Tama example

at iri – A person is here

í – This is not a letter, this is the word "you", singular. Whenever you see the letter í with an accent over it, it is the word "you".

Tama Example

í afi ane? - Are you well?

If a letter is written twice, say the sound long.

Daasa – now

Maa – man

Kiiti – Bone

Ŋuun – Jackal

Unniŋa – He brought

Kibitta – Next to

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